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Who's Your God? A Comedy and Religion Podcast!

Mar 28, 2019

You know Martha Kelly from Comedy Central, Baskets on FX, and being generally awesome and hilarious! We were so excited to have her! We talked first kisses, empathy, gender, pronouns, old people hating change, church + state, good violence, and The Brady Bunch!! PLUS, she brings a list of 3 for the AGES. 

Mar 21, 2019

Jessica Michelle is a paid regular at the Comedy Store and an endlessly hard-working road dog! We talk lots of fun stuff like, death, murder, suicide, your body's joints attacking you, ALASKA, loneliness, loving your car, being a lector and more....and somehow it was still REALLY fun!

Mar 8, 2019

Comedian Louis Katz has done A LOT of high profile shit, from the Comedy Central Half Hour to Comedy Central's This is Not Happening, to writing on Guy Branum's Talk Show the Game Show. But on this week's "Who's Your God?", he REALLY spills the beans by talking about wrestling with his Jewish faith, his lack of...