Mar 29, 2018
The story of Shane Torres is the story of the American dream. A Mexican American son of immigrants meets a nurse fresh off the plane from Ireland, they move to Texas, and they make an excellent comedian. We talked LOTS of comedy, superstitions, and most importantly, what's made around the corner from milk...
Mar 21, 2018
Comedian Ryan Conner grew up outside of DC as one of 12 siblings in a mixed race family, including several adopted kids. He's always been fascinated by religion from a distance. We talked about Christopher Hitchens and how he was maybe not as bad as he seemed?? Also, sponsoring immigrant families, taking shits at...
Mar 15, 2018
Emily Overstreet of the band Great Wilderness and Bitch'n is a good friend of Amy's from Portland and a formerly enthusiastic church-goer! Get into this episode if you wanna go deep on Jars of Clay and how praise hands can follow you to other concerts. Emily is just a joy!
Mar 8, 2018
Erin Lampart is a hilarious Los Angeles comedian that grew up Catholic but figured out that the only God she needed to bow down to was the GOD OF DANCE